Sunday 19 April 2020

EXP 2: Article

Article: Why Birds Are the World's Best Engineers


Reference: Roberts, Siobhan. "Why Birds Are the World's Best Engineers". New York Times, March 17, 2020. 

Key phrases:
  • "From humble parts, a greater sum emerges and coheres."
  • "...uses her own body as template..."
  • "...delicate interplay of the nest geometry, elasticity and friction..."
  • "...expression of behaviour..."
  • "...whether design could arise from disorder..."
  • "...flexibility in thinking..."
  • "Mechanics of randomly packed filaments..."

Key words:
  • Interplay
  • Expression
  • Flexibility
  • Ensemble
An ensemble, shaped by the connection and interplay of free expression and logical design, that challenges traditional constraints and represents flexibility in thinking.

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